Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ready for Valentine's Day!

I tried *very* hard to get a good picture of Clark's outfit and Valentine's bag today, to no avail! I blame the cell phone camera!

Mama sewed a heart patch to my shirt and VOILA, homemade (free) Valentine's Day apparel!

Clark also has his bag full of Valentine's for his friends at school.

Using his big boy cup!

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Valentine from Gpa & Gma Rosie

Sleepy Baby

Clark infiltrated Mama's bed last night and promptly took up the whole thing!

That's how you sleep in a bed, right? Feet at the pillows?

Clark & Mama


Puzzle Skills

Clark's Cognitive Development is just growing by leaps and bounds!  He all of a sudden "gets" how to do this puzzle.

Baby man bun

Clark insists on getting a ponytail at school when the girls do. Baby man bun!

Rogi Bus!

Clark loves the show "Tayo" about a little bus. Our friends Jeong and Chris had a Rogi (the green bus) toy from the show that they got in Korea and gave it to Clark. Watch his mind get blown!

Taking a walk to see the "DASHA!" (Dump trucks)

Fun on the tandem swings!

Bath Hair

Archie wants to be the baby

Cat in the stroller!

New Year's Day fun
